
Can JAMB make a mistake in marking?

Can JAMB make a mistake in marking?

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a key player in the Nigerian education system, responsible for conducting the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). Every year, thousands of students undergo this standardized test as a gateway to higher education. However, concerns and doubts often arise regarding the accuracy of JAMB’s marking process. This article aims to explore the question: Can JAMB make a mistake in marking?

Understanding the JAMB Marking Process:

JAMB employs a computer-based testing system that utilizes cutting-edge technology for marking exams. The process involves the use of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets, where candidates mark their answers, which are then scanned and processed by computer software. The system is designed to minimize errors and ensure a fair and transparent assessment.

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Factors to Consider:

  1. Machine Precision: The use of computerized systems reduces the likelihood of human error. However, machines are not infallible, and glitches or technical issues may occur.
  2. Human Factor: While JAMB’s marking process is largely automated, human involvement is not entirely eliminated. Any human error, though rare, could potentially affect the accuracy of the results.
  3. System Integrity: The effectiveness of JAMB’s marking process relies on the integrity of its systems. Adequate measures must be in place to ensure that the technology used is free from biases and errors.

Common Misconceptions:

  1. Hand Marking vs. Computerized Marking: Some candidates believe that hand-marked exams are less prone to errors than computerized systems. However, JAMB’s transition to computer-based testing has improved efficiency and reduced the likelihood of manual errors.
  2. Conspiracy Theories: Unfounded rumors and conspiracy theories may circulate, suggesting that mistakes in marking are intentional. However, JAMB is committed to fair and accurate assessments.

FAQs and Answers:

  1. Can JAMB mark my exam manually?

    • No, JAMB uses a computer-based system for marking to minimize errors.
  2. How does the computer-based marking system work?

    • The system scans and grades answer sheets using Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) technology.
  3. Is there a possibility of technical errors during the examination?

    • While rare, technical errors can occur, but JAMB has measures in place to address such issues.
  4. Can I request a re-evaluation of my exam if I’m dissatisfied with the results?

    • JAMB has a procedure for result verification, but re-evaluation is not allowed.
  5. How does JAMB ensure fairness in the marking process?

    • The use of a standardized answer key and quality control measures ensures fairness.
  6. What happens if there is a discrepancy in my results during post-marking verification?

    • JAMB conducts further investigations to rectify any discrepancies.
  7. Are there instances of marking mistakes reported in the past?

    • Rare instances have been reported, but JAMB promptly addresses and rectifies such cases.
  8. Can I appeal if I believe there is a mistake in my result?

    • JAMB has a mechanism for result verification, but appeals are limited.
  9. Can JAMB make a mistake in marking?

    • While the system is designed to minimize errors, it is not entirely foolproof. Rare instances of technical glitches or human errors may occur.
  10. How often does JAMB update its marking technology?

    • JAMB regularly updates its systems to incorporate the latest advancements in technology.
  11. What measures does JAMB have in place to prevent hacking or manipulation of results?

    • JAMB employs robust cybersecurity measures to prevent any unauthorized access or manipulation of results.


While JAMB’s marking process is technologically advanced and designed to be error-free, it is essential to acknowledge that no system is entirely infallible. Candidates are encouraged to review their results carefully and report any genuine discrepancies to JAMB for thorough investigation and resolution. The transparency and commitment to fair assessments make JAMB a reliable institution in the Nigerian education system.

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